What is Gravity? #5 Gravitation

What is Gravity?

The force by which planets or other bodies attract objects toward their center is called gravity. As a result of this gravity, the planets orbit the sun and the satellites orbit the planet.

Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces present in nature alongside electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. The magnitude of this force can be measured from Newton's law of gravitation.

What is Gravity

Further, the concept of gravity becomes complicated. But Albert Einstein gave his gravity model in his general theory of relativity to make it easier to understand. Know more... from the general theory of relativity.

The effect of Gravity

When we throw objects towards the sky, why do objects fall down without going up? When we jump from a higher place, why do we land on the ground instead of floating into space?

All those things happen due to the effect of gravity. It is an invisible force that attracts objects towards each other. This invisible force holds us on the ground and always makes things fall ​down.

Why Gravity?

According to Albert Einstein, anything that has mass creates curvature in space-time. This space-time curvature produces a field of attraction known as the gravitational field. More mass creates more curvature. That is why anything that has more mass has more gravity.

The effect of gravity gets weaker with distance. So the closer the objects are to each other, the stronger is the gravitational attraction.

Some facts about Gravity

1. Gravity holds planets and satellites in their position around the stars and planets

2. Moon's gravity pulls the ocean towards it which creates tides in the ocean.

3. Gravity holds down the atmosphere/air that helps us to breathe.

4. Gravity not only pulls mass but also pulls the light.

5. Black holes have a very small volume and hold a lot of mass, so their gravitational force is so high that it can prevent anything, even light, from escaping.

6. Gravity is not the same everywhere on the earth, it tends to be slightly stronger in places with more mass underground than in places with less mass.

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